Sunday, September 12, 2010

Seinfeld Power Trail

Daniel at the beginning of our trip...

So we began the "Trail" around 11:30 and found our first find around 11:45 am. Good News, Bad News (Seinfeld Cache #1) Our last cache, The Barber (Seinfeld Cache #75) was found around 8:45 pm.

In between those, we found a few others along the way. In the begining, the only caches we couldn't find were Male Unbonding (Seinfeld Cache #4) and The Ex-Girlfriend (Seinfeld Cache #6). But as time got away from us and the sun started to set, it was harder and harder to spot some of the well hidden and camouflaged caches. We ended up with a total of 5 DNFs through #75, but we sure plan on going back and getting those when we return for the remaining 125 caches in the series.

The clouds in the sky keep on turning...
This was the sky above us as we started out on this trail

We have had a lot of fun through our caching career, but I think Daniel and I both had a blast on this Power Trail. We were leap-frogging our way through some, trying to catch up some time. Others, we had to search, and search. Sometimes, they were easy and one of us just jumped out of the car, and grabbed our stash, signed the cache, logged, and kept on moving. There was one time, Daniel was looking for a tuffy, I drove up to the next one, found and signed, then ran up the hill. .12 miles to the next one. Dan hadn't come yet with the car, so I took off again. I tell ya, when I found that cache, I was pretty dang excited. It has been a long time since I have had a sense of accomplishment. That's a feeling and memory that I will hold on forever.

So another milestone that we "thought" we had made was #200 at "The Barber" cache. however, due to a posting error, we had accidentaly posted twice for an event and caches found during that event. But that has all been figured out now. So the power trail ended with us having 197 distinct caches.

Not bad for a pair of cachers doing their first power trail. We have some teams logging like 400 caches in one day. I am sure that is possible, with like 8 cachers, but I highly doubt just the two of us could pull off something like that. Hmmmm, do I hear a challenge? Na... I think we would die trying to achieve that!

Smelling the flowers is worth all the time in the world

So we found a total of 77 caches today, which is a milestone all on it's on. Our previous record was only 12, so we blew that one out of the water ;) So the next one is hitting #200 which should be sooner than we think since we are trying to grab a cache everyday. Whish us luck on our next adventure and thanks for adding to our Journey!

Geocaching awaits, and you can always add to your Journey by visiting


Jacob Barlow said...

This is a really cool blog! Thanks for sharing.

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